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Games (105)
Super Punch-Out!! review

Good, clean, pugilistic fun. Whether your knocking out poor old Gabby Jay or the intimidating Rick and Nick Bruiser, it's always fun. Old favorites make return appearances: Mr. Sandman, Super Macho Man, and of course, Bald Bull. "My barber didn't know when to quit, do you?"

Infiltrator review

One of the most ambitious NES games I've ever played. Infiltrating enemy bases for various espionage purposes, evading enemy patrols, fooling enemies with forged documents, knocking out guards with sleeping gas, or fooling them with disguises.

Donkey Kong Country review

All Donkey Kong wants to do is just sit back and enjoy his bananas, but noooooo, those darn crocs have to go and steal his entire banana horde. Well, better go get em all back! This stunningly beautiful game for the SNES is complimented by an equally stunning soundtrack. One of the best platforming games ever made.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare review

Easily one of the most enthralling first person shooters, just absolutely filled with "I can't believe that just happened!" moments. Beautiful graphics, great story, and a good support cast, and the weaponry feels appropriately lethal.

X-COM: Terror From The Deep review

A game that I haven't ever beaten, and may very well not ever beat. The enemy numbers grow at an exponential rate. Still, it's a unique game that takes place 50% of the time underwater. Gotta stop those aliens from taking over the earth, by any means necessary.

River City Ransom review

Indulge in your violent side. Beat the everliving snot out of gang members with: your fists, your feet, rocks, lead pipes, brass knuckles, bike chains, trash cans, old tires and even the bodies of fallen enemies, even curb stomp enemies when they get knocked down. Don't worry, they've got it coming, they kidnapped your girlfriend, and boy are they going to pay... Very simple, and gloriously retro gaming.

Left 4 Dead 2 review

Either you survive together or you die alone. Teamwork is mandatory, unless you view survival as optional. "Oh man, that reminds of the time me and my buddy Keith..."

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune review

Equal parts Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, and National Treasure, with dialogue that seems written by Joss Whedon. You control snarky Nathan Drake as he chases down a lost treasure of unimaginable power. Strange and exotic locations, a non-stop, adrenaline-fueled thrill-ride.

Bushido Blade review

A fighting game that makes use of 1 hit kills. The tension created by the fact that a match can end with a single blow leads to some incredibly tense moments. Your death or your enemies is only a breath away... looking for the exact moment to strike... you and your opponent with weapons drawn and ready, circling each other amidst the cherry blossom trees...

Mass Effect review

A space opera on a grand scale. The joy of exploring distant galaxies and alien planets. All this with a memorable cast of characters, and a solid sci-fi setting. I love the little touches in this game, like the dialogue between your companions. In particular, I love the conversations between Talia and Wrex.