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Games (105)
Blackthorne review

Another classic team up of Interplay & Blizzard. 2D side-scrolling fun. Kind of a sci-fi/fantasy reimagining of Prince of Persia.

Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager review

It was fun to see the Dark Sun AD&D 2nd Edition Campaign come to life in a computer game. They stuck very close to the source material, including the fact that you can easily be wiped out by the savage life on this planet.

North *and* South review

The first mildly educational game I played. It did make me think that the Civil War was ridiculously fun, however.

Aliens Versus Predator 2 review

I love playing as the Alien, going through stages of it's life, from Facehugger, to immature Alien, to full adult Alien. The Predator is ridiculously overpowered but is still quite fun. The Marine campaign easily had the most time and effort dedicated to it, but is my least favorite to play. Shame, really. Still a great game overall.

Crash 'N the Boys Street Challenge review

Note: I will crush you if you play me in this game. I am the God-Emperor of this game. There are none higher. Made by the same crew as River City Ransom. It's an "urban" sports game, with plenty of legitimate "cheating" that anyone can do, and you are encouraged to do so, as the computer certainly will. An absolute riot to play.

The Legend of Zelda review

One of the first games I've ever played. Every few years I go back and play through this game. I can now beat it in a single day. I have this entire game memorized. It borders on being less of a action-adventure game than a puzzle game for me, and I already know all of the solutions. I never get tired of the classic theme music and sound effects.

Guerrilla War review

Interesting note, take a close look at the box art. Do the two heroes look at least a little bit familiar? Their names were removed for the US release of this game, but the two heroes are Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Yup, are you really surprised that Guerrilla War is about the Cuban Revolution?

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind review

This the the first Elder Scrolls game I played. I'm naturally inclined to like it, as I see this as the prototype for Oblivion and Skyrim, even Fallout 3. A huge, open world to explore, with unique environments unlike anything on earth and a beautiful ambient soundtrack. And an incredibly deep RPG stat upgrade system for obsessive-compulsives like me.

DOOM II: Hell on Earth review

This is more DOOM. Not much has changed from the first game. New Super Shotgun, larger levels, and twice the number of Boss demons, with some Bosses from the game appearing as common enemies in later levels. Also, I love the box art for both games. And their soundtracks.

Resident Evil 0 review

Probably the easiest Resident Evil game made, as health and ammo are fairly plentiful, and there's enough heavy ordinance to get through the tougher sections. The story isn't anything special, standard Resident Evil stuff, evil corporation & it's world-dominating ambitions gone horribly awry. Who cares, just lemme blast away at zombies and other horrible monstrosities.