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Games (105)
Red Faction: Guerrilla review

Whereas most games having you shooting and blowing up people, this game shows you the joy of shooting and blowing up buildings. Destroying inanimate objects is easily just as fun, if not more so, than living targets. Both in the single player campaign, and in the multiplayer Wrecking Crew mode.

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel review

Another wonderful game set in the Fallout universe (though it's generally not considered "canon"). It plays very similarly to Fallout and Fallout 2, though it does play with the formula somewhat. Instead of the more open-world, sandbox, do whatever the hell you want to do formula of the first two games, this game adopts a more mission-based formula, along with returning to your Brotherhood of Steel Base, which functions as a hub of sorts for each new set of missions. There's still a whole huge swath of land to criss-cross and explore along the way to and from your missions, but I feel like there's a bit more of a sense of purpose here. Though I will say that the game kinda falls off-kilter in the last third, as you go from facing a variety of enemies to facing robots. Only robots. Hordes of robots. And if you aren't prepared to fight robots (ie: Ditch the conventional weapons and adopt laser or preferably plasma based weapons) you are in for a WORLD OF HURT. Though, there is some great voice acting to be had from R. Lee Ermey and Kurtwood Smith.

MechCommander 2 review

While it's loads of fun personally piloting my 100-ton Atlas Warmachine 'o Death in the Mechwarrior games, it was still tons of fun to command an entire strike force of mechs and accomplish strategic goals.

Final Fantasy II review

No lie, lots of nostalgia value here for me. A very simple JRPG. Good characters, good story. Both a tad on the simple side, but considering it's from the SNES-era, it's pretty darn good.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory review

Kinda like being Batman, only with more boring enemies. Still I cannot suppress my impish glee at picking off guards one by one. This is a game that thrives on tension more than action.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty review

Real-time Strategy, but with a twist. That twist is that a compelling story is told along the way. It might be overly harsh to say that RTS games tend to lack when it comes to storytelling, as story is usually confined to pre-mission exposition and post-mission cutscenes. It's kind of a cookie-cutter formula. This game is unique in that it breaks that mold and allows to the story to unfold mid-mission, as you play it, in addition to the pre/post cutscenes (which are beautifully rendered, as is par for the course for Blizzard).

Final Fantasy VII review

Just like with Metal Gear: Solid, it's hard to describe a game that has such a legendary reputation. It's a great game, and if you haven't played it, you really should. It seems like I keep ranking this game lower and lower the more I think about it, and I'm not sure exactly why. It's a game that I've sunk 70+ hours into, easily. I have a lot of memories attached to this one game. But I guess I just expect more from games today. It might be unfair to judge this game by modern standards, but I guess that just means it isn't aging very well. And it just seems especially weird to have a silent protagonist, because he just comes across a bit like Gordon Freeman. Some kind of weird, socially maladjusted, emotionally vacant shell of an almost-person. The story grows from a small-scale to an epic world-saving scenario, and is engaging throughout.

Dead Rising 2 review

It might be a bit unfair to describe this game as mindless zombie killing fun, but that's exactly what makes it so great. Again, this is a game the boards the first train to an absurd bizarro land. When Capcom crafts a games story, it seems like they only have the most tenuous grasp of reality-land. The story isn't what compels me to play this game, it's just the absurd level of fun that is had in finding new and more inventive ways to mow down (sometimes literally) hordes of zombies.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy review

Having played The Force Unleashed, I can't help but feel that this game is the template they were working from. Where Force Unleashed skyrockets off into the absurd, this game feels more grounded in the world and lore of the Star Wars expanded universe. It's hard not to like a game that shows just how powerful Luke Skywalker is as a full Jedi Master, to say nothing of your own personal mentor, Kyle Katarn.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver review

This game has some of my favorite voice acting. The story of revenge that Raziel tells is what compelled me through this game. The game could be challenging at times, but I felt it was always worth it.