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Games (105)
Super Mario Bros. 2 review

Interesting in the fact that originally this game wasn't intended to be a Mario game at all. It shows because this game has almost nothing in common with the first Super Mario Bros game. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed the bizarro journey through the Subcon world. Princess Toadstool is easily the best character, btw.

Mutant League Football review

BEST. FOOTBALL. GAME. EVER. Any sports game where you can kill the ref for making a bad call deserves to be played and savored.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors review

Wild slap-stick humor blended with the intense tension of trying to survive the wackiest invasion of earth ever. Aliens, werewolves, and every kind of monster imaginable are trying to devour you and your neighbors. You're not gonna let that happen, are you? Still, be wary once you enter the hedge maze and you hear chainsaws firing up...

Evil Dead Regeneration review

The best Evil Dead game ever made. Now granted, that isn't exactly saying much considering every other Evil Dead game is god awful, but this one is actually fun to play, and you really feel like you're stepping into the misfortunate shoes of one Ashley "Ash" Williams. Good, Bad, you're the guy with the gun.

Close Combat 4 review

The Battle of the Bulge is one of the most fascinating battles in all of WWII. The desperate attempt to hold the line in the Ardennes Forest is appropriately captured in this real-time strategy. There aren't going to be any reinforcements for quite some time, and all you've got are a mix of green recruits and war-weary veterans and those German Panther Panzers backed up by hard and salty SS Vets from the Eastern Front are bearing down on you...

WWF Royal Rumble review

Fun, old-school WWF Wrestling. Played as though it were "real." Wear down your opponents health until you can pin them. Or toss their ass over the top rope if you're in the titular Royal Rumble. Lotsa classic wrestling icons in this title. Undertaker, Bret "The Hitman Hart", Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels, just to name a few. I don't know if I'll ever be able to duplicate the time I entered first into the Royal Rumble and was responsible for eliminating EVERYONE ELSE!

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion review

I hate to say it, but if you've played one Elder Scrolls game, you've played them all. This is a solid entry for the series though. Remarkable for having both the best and worst DLC's ever made. The Shivering Isles and Horse Armor. I'll let you guess which one is best.

Rescue: The Embassy Mission review

A hugely ambitious game for the NES. You need to neutralize the terrorists and save the hostages in an embassy. First get your snipers into place in a tense, side-scrolling, portion that has you evading spotlights (and the gunners manning the spotlights), diving behind low walls and ducking into open doorways for cover. Then the game shifts to a Sniper mode, as you pick off terrorists who stray in front of any windows. Then the game shifts once more to the team that fast-ropes down on to the roof and then you rappel down the side of the building and breach and make entry. Then the game changes gears AGAIN to a first-person shooter (appropriately primitive on the NES) as you hunt down any terrorists that your snipers couldn't pick off. And did I mention there's a time limit?

Halo: Reach review

Even if the story and characters leave much to be desired, the gameplay is solid and challenging. Firefight is always fun, as is GRIFBALL! The fact that you can change the appearance of your character has me addicted. I'm always looking forward to being able to unlock and purchase new pieces of armor for my virtual barbie.

Contra Force review

Forget everything you know about Contra. This game may as well not even have Contra in the title. You're not fighting endless hordes of aliens, you're fighting human terrorists. Still, the action is fast-paced, relentless, and challenging.