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Games (105)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night review

This game is probably the pinnacle of 2D side-scrolling RPG/Adventure games. The story isn't much to write home about, if you've played one Castlevania game, you've played them all, as far as story goes. Great soundtrack and extremely solid gameplay.

Half-Life 2 review

One of the most superbly crafted games in existence. It is just an absolute joy to play, from start to finish. Dystopian cities, ruined countryside, industrial hellholes, underground labyrinths, aliens, a suped-up go-cart, and a gravity gun. This game has it all.

Portal review

Wonderfully clever humor written into a short game that was superbly crafted. Although it does seem to drag on a bit towards the end, but not enough to ruin it or lower it's score, just enough to lower it a few notches on my favorite games of all-time list. Also unique for an FPS, in that you don't ever even have a proper "Gun," just a tool to place portals on walls, floors, and ceilings.

BioShock review

A dystopian masterpiece. Set in a world were a Libertarian/Ayn Randian city was established, and you arrive there just in time to see it all come down in flaming ruin. Part of the fun is just getting sucked in and figuring out how all this happened, while just getting glimpses of what once was. Solid FPS shooting with fun and varied Plasmids to mix things up a little.

Grand Theft Auto III review

I have recently had the pleasure of breaking this game out again, except on PC, and I'm still just as thrilled to play it as when it first came out. The story may be a tad simple, just one of betrayal, revenge, and more betrayal, but it's enough to keep the game going forward. I feel like one of a just a handful of people who actually played the story missions instead of just roaming around, running over people and shooting cops, trying to see how high I could raise my wanted level, and how long I could survive once it was maxed out. I feel I should also say that I have NEVER used a cheat code for ANY GTA game. If I want an FBI car, I raise my wanted level up to get the FBI involved, carjack one of their cars, then ditch my wanted level and save the car in a garage. I'm just that good at this game. I love it. I still have many of the locations of items memorized.

Metal Gear Solid review

Whew, I feel weird even trying to describe how much I love this game. I mean, if you've played it, you already know. The gameplay was solid, for the time, I'll admit it hasn't aged well, with limited sight lines, no first person view, and the Cone O' Vision the enemies have. The boss fights were truly great, they weren't just enemies that have eaten three times as many protein bars as normal enemies, they were like a final exam for what you'd learned thus far in the game. Yeah, great game.

The Secret Of Monkey Island: Special Edition review

A wonderfully funny Lucasarts adventure game. A classic. Guybrush Threepwood is a brilliant character. He wants to be a great pirate, despite not having anything resembling skill or aptitude, but he makes up for it with clever improvisation and a naive can-do spirit.

Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition review

An amazing game. I love just about everything about this game. I really love the wonderful cast of characters you encounter. The story is kind of standard "Save the World" fare, but of course there are little twists to make it a little more interesting. There is a huge amount of literature to be found in the game that really fleshes out the world they've created. The combat is visceral and satisfying. It shows just how much time and effort Bioware put into recording voice acting and writing good character scripts.

Chrono Trigger review

A game for the ages, that takes place throughout the ages. A superb battle system coupled with a strong story and gorgeous setting. Probably one of the best soundtracks that can be found on an SNES. Truly a classic.

Total War: Shogun 2 review

This game is a beautiful real-time/turn-based war strategy game. The turn-based part of this game is extremely solid as you manage your family, the loyalty of your generals, the output of your provinces, the movement of your armies, ninjas, shinobi, geisha, monks and other agents of diplomacy and espionage. When battles commence the game switches to a real-time battlefield with control of course of the battle placed firmly in your hands.