"I'm a pretty huge D&D Nerd myself. Have been for some time. I got started with AD&D 2nd Edition, and I've played 3.0 & 3.5 as well as currently 4th edition. Good list! Have you ever heard of any o"

"I also heartily agree with: Resident Evil 5, Fable II, Shadow Complex, and Heavy Rain. And I'm curious to see what you think of Bastion, Braid, and Duke Nukem Forever. Being that you were able to gi"

"I totally agree with your Bionic Commando comments! The only thing I'd add about Bionic Commando was that the checkpoints where a bit too far apart for my liking."

"I've heard that game is actually fairly short, but there are some small changes that occur based on what phase of the moon it is in real life when you're playing."

"Hey man, don't sell yourself short, making a top 50 list is an accomplishment. Especially if you gave it some real thought, and it looks like you did, which is why I voted for your favorite games lis"

"yord and I are of one mind in regards to this list."

"It's very interesting so far. Very intense. Also, fairly difficult, but maybe I'm just an idiot. Fairly good. I'd recommend checking out The Walking Dead by Telltale Games. It was short, but grea"

"I've been playing Orcs Must Die! in short bursts. I generally play one or two levels and then move on to something else. And yes, the hardest difficulty is IMPOSSIBRU!"

"You haven't rated Beginners? You simply must see it. I adore Ewan in it."

"You have Nightwing on your list!? Must... vote.... =D"

"What about Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution? He's had almost his entire body replaced with Prosthetic Augmentations."