"I'd also recommend: CivilWarLand in Bad Decline by George Saunders & What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver & The Books of Blood by Clive Barker"

"Well, that's a damn shame. I'm also not ashamed to admit that I do still like Stephen King. I think he *can* still write good books. I just don't think that everything he touches magically turns to"

"And now you're a better person for having watched them, right? =D"

"Whew, you made it through the Dark Tower series? What did you think? I read the first four books a LOOOOOOONG time ago, and then a few years back I tried reading The Wolves of the Calla, and honestl"

"Personally, I'd put either of the first two Thief games in there instead of the new one. I love stealth games too. Maybe add screenshots of some good sneaking in action?"

"Good list! Rondo of Blood is one of the harder games I've played. Maybe I'm just awful at it, I dunno. Still a very good game."

"Good list, you have some really excellent choices."

"You should be aware that Rocksteady Studios (the game developer who made Arkham Asylum and Arkham City) is not the developer for Arkham Origins, it's Warner Bros. Games Montrรฉal. I feel that the di"

"Oh, also, you NEED to get a hold of Planescape: Torment. I know for a fact it's available on GOG.com. If you say that you love a good story as much as you do, then you simply cannot pass over playin"

"Fantastic games, all of them. You should try to get your hands on a ROM of a Japanese Super Famicom game that never made it to the US called "Bahamut Lagoon" Last I saw (quite some time ago, mind yo"

"Man, I miss being able to sink so much time into video games. Good list!"

"Ya know, it makes me happy to see so many of the games I've played and enjoyed on your list."

"For the most part, I'm sure you can figure out which game series these games are from, I just listed my particular favorite game in the series. I've noted what I think are exceptions to the rule. 1."

"Ooooo, and the Resident Evil ones were good too. Not "Game Over" technically, they were "You Are Dead.""

"I've got to agree with Axel Night, I loved the Jurassic Park one the best."

"You should add the Game Over screens for Final Fight and Ninja Gaiden (the arcade versions)."

"The man is certainly prolific, if nothing else."

"Even though our tastes in music may differ, I cannot deny that this is a well constructed list."